Therapy for Trauma & PTSD in Oregon and Washington

Trauma robs us of our present-day happiness and ability to have close connections with people in our lives. Trauma keeps us repeating old behaviors, makes it difficult to rest, and often leads us to be unnecessarily hard on ourselves. Experiences that cause trauma vary widely and include everything from car accidents or the sudden death of a loved one, to childhood emotional neglect or growing up in a dysfunctional family.

In day-to-day life, symptoms of trauma and PTSD can also look like:

  • Frequently feeling on edge or like you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Physical symptoms such as IBS, TMJ, and carrying significant tension in your shoulders

  • Often feeling numb and disconnected from your emotions

  • Experiencing overwhelming guilt or shame and beating yourself up

I’ve completed specific training in treating complex trauma, and I use a wide range of interventions to support you in coping with your trauma in new and more helpful ways. Therapy for trauma can improve your ability to recognize when you are caught in a trauma response and move through it, increase your self-compassion and acceptance, help you set boundaries and connect with healthy people, and live more in the present.